Yuriy Edvart Rudin D.PH, M.D.
- Paediatric urologist high qualification
- Chief Of Pediatric Urology Department of Research Institute of Urology
- MD,Professor
- Member of European Society for Paediatric Urology
- The experience of modern methods of treatment varicocele, criptorchidism (understanding testis), hydrocele and different variants of circumcisions for patients with fimosis.
- Twenty five -years experience and more than 2800 operations by one-stage and two-stage hypospadias repair (correction of all of existent forms). Author’s methods are using, functional and cosmetic results of the operations correspond with to the international standards.
- Unique experience modern method of primary bladder closure and bladder neck plastic for new-born with extrophy and epispadia complex (Our experience more 110 patients). We use the modern method of simphisis connection and bladder neck plasty (reconstruction)
- The treatment of patients with ureteropelvic junction obstruction we use endovideosurgery (laparoscopic approach),with JJ inside drainage of ureter.
- Differentiated approach to surgical treatment of children with the different forms of the counseled or burred penile, have had a nice outcome results.
- Optimal methods of megaureter surgical and endoscopycal treatment. We are using one-stage radical operations, endoscopy dilataion and stenting distal part of ureter.
- Enormous experience of successful treatment by single-session percutaneous drainage with ethanol sclerotherapy in simple renal cysts. We performed punction the cysts by ULTRASONIC control. Cysts halt growth or disappear fully.